What is happening outside of the camera`s view?

Video: Fleur, LK forum
Translation: SilverT
Couple of seal pups bask in the sun together with a young white-tailed eagle, who is inspecting the surroundings; the young eagle does not have white tail feathers yet.
In Vilsandi, the cold did not fall below -10° C in the early morning – the icefree sea deterred colder air. Eastern winds have caused the water level to drop. Surveillance camera is working at the moment, but there is a serious bug in the power system and this can`t be solved before spring comes.
Seal researcher Ivar Jussi was counting grey seal pups a couple of weeks ago. Twenty three females have given birth and only one of them has lost its pup – a pretty good result. This year, the ice fields of the Gulf of Riga are favourable for grey seals for giving birth; those who are interested can also find an ice-map.
White-tailed eagles and hooded crows are present whenever anything edible can be found. Most probably, a flock of common goldeneyes could be seen on the open sea in the morning.
Take a look at EMHI ice map:
Day`s overview in LK forum:




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