Chaffinch flocks

Photos: Arne Ader
Translation: Liis
Chaffinch       Metsvint         Fringilla coelebs
In the friendly chaffinch flocks busy with their doings in the forests there is no bickering between the birds to be noted. Migration takes place in daytime, the main migration was in October, birds in action can still be seen in December and a few hundred stay for winter. Where to see them? But of course near winter bird feeders, and more often in the warmer West Estonian area.
The plumage is of course much more modestly coloured than in spring but both wings have two broad white bands - whatever the season these are noticeable from far away. The female is more modestly greenish-brown, this year's young birds look similar. The beak is short and cone-shaped, for males whitish with a darker tip, for females brown, legs similarly brownish.
They were insectívores during the nesting period, the chicks are fed with insects. For winter they change over to seeds, straws are nibbled and berries eaten if any are still left somewhere.
Where chaffinches have been seen: LINK
Chaffinch in hawthorn




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