Fred Jüssi - 75

Fred Jüssi
Born on January 29, 1935, on the Caribbean island of Aruba, in the Dutch West Indies. In 1938 the family returned to the homeland of the parents, Estonia, and settled in Tallinn. Fred Jüssi finished high school in Tallinn (Tallinna 20. keskkool) in 1953, and graduated as a biologist-zoologist from Tartu State University (1958). 
His first position was on Hiiumaa: there he taught biology chemistry and geography to the children in Emmaste. Later he worked at the Institute of experimental biology of the Academy of Sciences (TA Eksperimentaalbioloogia Instituut). In 1962 he became an inspector at the Environmental authority (ESNV Looduskaitse Valitsus), and retained this position, through all of the renamings and reorganisations, until 1975. From then on he has been a free-lance writer and popularizer, but still, according to his own words, remaining first and foremost a zoologist.
He is widely acclaimed as a photographer and recorder of the sounds of nature; his articles and books are highly valued and praised. The part of his works that has made the greatest public impact must however surely be the broadcasts 1976-1987 by the Estonian Radio Service (Eesti Raadio), in the Nature ABC (Looduse aabits) series that awakened in many people their hitherto sleeping nature interest and which many nature enthusiasts recorded at home from the radio broadcasts. It was certainly this that earned him, in 1989, the nature protection award named for the ornithologist Eerik Kumari and handed out for the first time.
As the most important person in awakening his own awareness of nature, Fred Jüssi names Hillar Pärjasaar with whom he became acquainted in 1948. Since at that time – and for a long time onwards also – access to the sea-coast of Estonia was largely prohibited, the young man turned his interest to forests and bogs. He describes himself as a one-man entrepreneur with nature experiences as main goal.
In honour of the 75th anniversary of nature photographer and nature popularizer Fred Jüssi, ERR (Estonian Public Broadcasting) will present a number of programmes recorded at different times.
At 9.00 pm on Thursday Klassikaraadio resends "Kõige loomulikum muusika - The most natural music ". The interview with Fred Jüssi was made by Immo Mihkelson, and the programme was first broadcast on April 22, 2000.
On Saturday at 22.10 (10.10 pm) in Vikerraadio and on Sunday at 22.05 (10.05 pm) in Klassikaraadio there will be Fred Jüssi’s radio lecture "Pealisülesanded: mõtisklusi elu põhiväärtustest – Prime tasks: reflections on life’s fundamental values.". The broadcast was recorded in 2005.
On Saturday at 13.25 (1.25 pm) ETV shows "Helenduv olend: Fred Jüssi – Luminescent being: Fred Jüssi". Vahur Kersna’s interview with Fred Jüssi was recorded at the end of 2009.
ETV2 devotes a theme night to Fred Jüssi. The evening’s programmes are: "Hüüdja hääl: Fred Jüssi ja Toomas Paul – Voices calling: Fred Jüssi and Toomas Paul” (ETV 1993); "Osoon: Fred Jüssiga Hiiumaal - Ozone: With Fred Jüssi on Hiiumaa” (ETV 1999); "Tähelaev"- Starship”  (ETV 2006); "Osoon: Tormimurd. Fred Jüssi. - Ozone: Stormbreak. Fred Jüssi”  (ETV 2005) .
 Translation: Liis




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