Forest camera experiment: showing honey bees

Photo: Arne Ader
Translation: Liis
 Apis mellifera    
Honeybees enter the stage in Forest camera. Peep has settled a bucketful of them in the observation hive. How to observe them and how this experiment with watching insects will succeed isn’t easy to answer until it has been tried. We ask our viewers please not to be too severely critical during the first few weeks.
Our thanks to all devoted watchers of the wild boar and their young, and to their feeders and minders. Towards autumn there may be some innovations in store.
Meanwhile, the honeybee camera offers us an opportunity to become better acquainted with the insect world.
Why insects?
Insects make up the animal class with the greatest number of species in our world. In Estonia around 70% of all animal species are insects.

The evolution of insects has gone on for 200 million years; insects were living already during the Cretaceous era.




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