Insects and Spiders

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Re: Insects and Spiders

Post by balistar »

Biker wrote: September 19th, 2022, 4:31 pm .
a good old acquaintance, the Cockchafer
Biker, you lucky one :2thumbsup:
I think it's been decades since i saw the last cockchafer. And that, although it is said that after years of being almost exterminated, they have increased again, explicitly here in south-west Germany.

this highly endangered stag-beetle (Lucanus cervus) female (?) made a visit on my terrace


or is it a Dorcus parallelipipedus ?
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Post by Biker »

that's difficult, isn't it? :puzzled:
The female of Lucanus cervus :book: looks very similar to Dorcus parallelipipedus
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Post by balistar »

Yesterday's observation in my living room:
the Nosferatu spider (Zoropsis spinimana)



NABU: "16,000 Nosferatus spiders from Freiburg to Rendsburg
The immigrant householder is more widespread than previously known
Within a few years, the Nosferatus spider, which originated in the Mediterranean region, has spread to almost all of Germany."
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Post by Biker »


This is what I have been waiting for :|
a spider which hunts active - and can bite nicely - even us :slap:
thanks anyway, balistar :laugh:



and a wasp spider.
a female with the typical zigzag shape decoration called the stabilimentum, at her web

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Post by balistar »

Great pictures, Biker :2thumbsup:

PS: meanwhile as it got colder, i had two more "Nosferatu spider" visits in my living room
(and of course carried them out again immediately :mrgreen: )
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Post by balistar »

on one of the last warm sunny days at the end of October i caught these two ensuring their reproduction... :innocent:


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Post by Biker »


very late the two. :innocent:

also here with me in the north it was very long warm. In mid-November a red admiral (Vanessa atalanta) sat on the balcony railing :slap:

balistar :hi:
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Post by Biker »

this one loses her hand luggage :-|

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Post by Liz01 »

A swallowtail was on my balcony today. They are very big! I was totally fascinated



These are smartphone pictures. Camera was not at hand. So not the best pics
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Post by Hellem »

Liz01 wrote: July 29th, 2023, 4:49 pm A swallowtail was on my balcony today. They are very big! I was totally fascinated
:hi: Liz, swallowtail is the Estonian national butterfly, he brought you greetings from Estonia 8-) , thank you for the pictures :2thumbsup:
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Post by Liz01 »

Hellem wrote: July 29th, 2023, 5:29 pm swallowtail is the Estonian national butterfly, he brought you greetings from Estonia 8-)..

Hellem, :hi: that sounds great! thank you! :2thumbsup: I am sending him back to Estonia with many greetings and best wishes :innocent: In Germany they are pretty rare. For me it was a small miracle.
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Post by Liz01 »

Tettigonia viridissima, Great Green Bush-cricket- a female!

Sand Bees - I found a lot of digging in the forest in a clearing

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Post by Liz01 »

European Slow Worm in this case. You can find them everywhere on bike paths. I put them in the sun so that they reach their body temperature more quickly. I also see a lot of grass snakes. However, always "newborns" so no adult animals. They are killed by cyclists. Lots of them and every year

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Post by balistar »

Wow, Liz, you lucky one,
having a visit of a swallowtail butterfly on your balcony :thumbs:

A few days ago I had a visit of two violet carpenter bees (Xylocopa violacea) visiting and drinking nectar
on a flower plant at my front door - they are big



What a nice surprise: it is the "wild bee of the year" 2024 / NABU :D
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