Latvian black storks - 2020/2021

Black Stork nests in Latvia
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Re: Latvian black storks - 2020/2021

Post by Liz01 »

A very short video by Amanda! thank you! :2thumbsup:
Mūsu cālis zvejo zivtiņas barotavā /Juvenile is fishing.. but without success. at least not seen in the video that it was able to catch a fish..

there are also pics from the fish ... 50#p299850

When Aleksejs Saripins came to the feeding pool, 2 juveniles flew away nearby. He thinks they were 2 of ours. Unfortunately he lost his camera memory card because of his excitement :slap:

YT- Chat :
Aleksejs Šaripins
​Sveiks visiem! Vakar pārāk vēlu atbraucu mājas, tā pēc arī nesanāca izstāstīt par notikumiem pie barotavas.Tā tad, ir gan labas ziņas, gan sliktas. Sākšu ar labam:

​Pie barotavas vel aiz vien uzturas zivju gārnis. Barotava joprojām ir dzīvas karūsas(vismaz trīs, kurās bija redzamas), tā tad viss nav apēsts.

​Un pati galvenā labā ziņa ir tā, ka kamēr mainīju foto slazdam akumulatoru un karti pāri grāvim (kādas 200 m. no barotavas)

​ar bļaušanu, viens aiz otra pārlidoja divi melna stārķa cāļi (visticamāk, ka mūsējie) un nozuda mežā.

​Un tagad pie sliktām ziņām! 🙂

​Tieši tajā brīdi kad taisījos ņemt ārā atmiņas karti no kameras, divi putni nolēma novirzīt manu uzmanību un šķērsot grāvi.

​Visticamāk, ka karti paspēju atspiest bet izņemt neizņēmu, jo visa uzmanībā tika novērsta uz putniem. Kad atgriezos pie procesā konstatēju, ka karte vairs nav kamerā.

​Pārmeklēju visu iespējamo (gan kabatas, gan grāvja ūdeni jo kamera stāv grāvim pa vidu) bet neatradu, vēl jo vairāk visu pasliktināja lietus.

​Labi vien ir tas, kad nomainot akumulatoru, kamera atsūtīja dažus video failus kuri arī būs pieejami serverī.

​Manas domas: Cāļi (vismaz divi kas ir redzēti) vēl joprojām uzturas ligzdas apkārtne un ir dzīvi.

​Noteikti, ka instinkti viņiem liek jau arī pašiem meklēt sev barību un lidot tālāk prom no ligzdas tās meklējumos.
Vēl kādu laiku turpināsim vērot notikumus pie barotavas, bet iespējams, jau drīz mūsu cāļi dosies savā pirmajā,

​ patstāvīgajā migrācija pa ceļam atrodot bagātus zivju dīķus kur viņiem būs iespēja netraucētiem uzbaroties.

​Iepriekšējos gados tādus jaunos īpatņus esmu jau redzējis augusta beigas un septembra sākumā zivju dīķos. Tā pēc ir cerība, ka arī mūsējiem sanāks!
Google translate:
Alexei Sharipin
Hello everyone! I got home late yesterday so I couldn't cover what was happening on the feeder so there is both good and bad news. I start with the good:

A heron is still at the feeder. The feeder has crucian carp (Carassius carassius) still alive (at least three of which have been seen), so not all of it will be eaten.

And the main good news is that while I was changing the battery of the photo trap and the card across the ditch (about 200m from the power supply)

With a roar, two juvenile black storks (probably ours) flew one after the other and disappeared into the forest.

And now for the bad news! 🙂

Just as I was about to take the memory card out of the camera, the two birds decided to divert my attention and cross the ditch.

Most likely, I managed to unzip the card but not remove it as all the attention was on the birds. When I returned to the operation, I found that the card was no longer in the camera.

I searched all sorts of things (both pocket and trench water because the camera is in the middle of the trench) but I didn't find it, the rain made it worse.

The good thing is that when the battery was replaced, the camera sent some video files that will also be available on the server.

My thoughts: The juveniles (at least two that have been seen) still stay in the nest and live.

In any case, their instincts cause them to look for food on their own and fly away from the nest in search of it.
We will follow what is happening at the feeding place for some time, but maybe our chicks will soon go on their first journey

On the independent hike along the path, they will find rich fish ponds in which they have the opportunity to fatten undisturbed.

In previous years I saw such juveniles in fish ponds at the end of August and beginning of September. So there is hope that we will meet them.

I hope GT was working good enough
what a pity he lost the memory card :faint:

I'm pretty happy that two were spotted.
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Post by Liz01 »

Birdfriend wrote: August 27th, 2021, 5:58 pm
Liz, do you think, Grafs has the storklets feed no more outside from our view?
Liz01 wrote: August 28th, 2021, 7:47 am Birdfriend, I don't know. There is no evidence to confirm that feeding is done outside of the nest.
Had it been observed, it would be documented in my book.

One more thing, before I write nonsense, I have to check it out.I think we, you and I, heard a feeding outside of Ozols and Ziles nest?it was when Ziluka slipped from the branch .. but it may be that she was only begging on the ground.
Birdfriend I found it! :headroll: It is confirmed by Maris Strazds !

Post by Liz01 » July 14th, 2015, 11:44 am
Jānis Ķuze wrote:
Māra Strazda pirmā reakcija bija - nevajag darīt neko, jo putns no ligzdas izkrita pats, neviena neprovocēts, turklāt ir zināmi gadījumi, kad pieaugušie putni izbaro arī uz zemes esošus jaunuļus. Šodien pievakarē ligzda tomēr tiks apmeklēta un uz vietas tiks pieņemts lēmums, kā rīkoties - jāredz, vai ar putnu viss ir kārtībā (spriežot pēc skaņām, tas no ligzdas nolidoja un nevis nokrita kā akmens, kas vieš cerību, ka tas nebūs satraumējies). Tagad ir svarīgi saprast, kāda ir pieaugušo putnu reakcija - vai tie baro tikai ligzdā palikušo stārķēnu, vai laižas lejā arī pie izkritušā.
The first reaction of Māra Strazda was - nothing to be done, since the bird itself fell out of the nest, no one provoked, and there are known cases in which adult birds also feed the young on the ground. Tonight, however, the nest will be inspected and it will be decided on the spot what to do - whether everything is okay with the bird (judging by the noises it has flown out of the nest and not fallen like a stone, which gives hope that it is is not disturbed). Now it is important to understand the reaction of adult birds - whether they are only feeding the stork that has remained in the nest and also the stork that has fallen down
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Post by Liz01 »

BTW: We heard a feeding on the ground.. proof later.. I need coffee and food

my videos in 2015 are not sorted! :slap: I can't find it anymore. Youtube was new to me. I had no idea that playlists should be made. I only started sorting in 2016. I stopp searching for it.
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Post by Birdfriend »

Thank you very, very much for your intensive effort to reposting. I really cross my fingers, that there is a bit hope for these youngsters, they had deserve it so much. :2thumbsup:
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Post by Liz01 »

Birdfriend wrote: August 28th, 2021, 1:36 pm Thank you very, very much for your intensive effort to reposting. I really cross my fingers, that there is a bit hope for these youngsters, they had deserve it so much. :2thumbsup:
:2thumbsup: :2thumbsup:
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Post by Liz01 »

August 29

Good Morning

the nest was empty overnight again. I think they are all on their way to better feeding places

the weather has improved
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Post by Liz01 »

11:15 A squirrel on the right


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14:02 A butterfly
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Common firecrest

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Sun at sunset. 19:42:55.
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Post by Liz01 »

August 30

11:05 a lesser spotted eagle is calling

I've been interested for a long time whether the color of the beak is related to the diet.
With Milda, White Tailed Eagle, we could see that her yellow beak became lighter and lighter ... grayish when she was no longer eating enough.

Beak color in juvenile Black Stork:
an orange-red beak coloration in juvenile black storks is to be understood as a special quality feature. The cause of this distinctive carotene influence can be found in the stream bed of near-natural flowing waters. If the common freshwater shrimps reproduce in particularly high density, it is beneficial for the brown trout. Then the stork is especially happy. This beak coloration ultimately reveals the end product of a healthy food chain.

no black stork was spotted on the feeding pool


Important Events 2021 ... 54#p716954

August 12
14:40 Grafiene was at the nest for the last time
August 22
10:47 Grafs was at the nest for the last time
August 23
10:33 the first Storklet left the nest and did not return
11:33 the second Storklet left the nest and did not return
August 24
15:50 the third storklet left the nest and did not return

Hatch Times:
June 12th - #1 is today 73 days old / #1 fledged on August 21 at 7:43 AM
June 14th - #2 is today 71 days old / #2 fledged on August 21 at 9:32 AM
June 15th - #3 is today 70 days old /#3 fledged on August 20 at 8:39 AM
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Post by Hellem »


03.09 Today a young Latvian ringed black stork was found in Harju County near Tallinn and taken to Dr. Madis Leivits for treatment, Urmas has been informed. Pictures and post by Estonian Wildlife Center:
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Post by Liz01 »

Hellem, thank you very much for the info :2thumbsup: . What a beautiful juvenile :loveshower:
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Post by Liz01 »

13:50 a pine marten visit the nest (could be the storklets saw him every now and then)



14:09 a squirrel
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Post by Liz01 »

September 6

Andra, thank you! :2thumbsup:

a goshawk was flying from a tree on the right to the left

the size looks like more a Sparrowhawk. I don't get a good picture., He was way too fast

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Post by balistar »

:hi: Liz and everyone,

are there any considerations of supporting the nest with a substructure for the next season ?
does anyone know ?
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Post by Liz01 »

balistar :hi:
Info by Maris Strazds 2018:
the nest has been fallen down before this year at least twice - and has been restored in the same place. After winter nothing may remain there - if support branch remains, they might rebuild it within a few days. May not. This is actually very interesting document to see how it happens - as it has happened repeatedly in other nests too - exactly around the time of departure and in some cases has caused departure. It is obviously a good indicator of poor nest site (location in tree) wich in turn is indication of lack of good sites altogether.

the position of the nest is very unfavorable to support it. 3 meters from the trunk. There is nothing you can do. And they have no intention of doing anything. Wait and see if anyone will nest at all next year. The forest was drained. It's not like 2018 anymore! Basically not a good nesting place anymore.
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Post by balistar »

Thanks, Liz :wave:

What a shame. The prospects are not good, even if the couple comes back and rebuilds the nest if necessary - the nest in this position will always be a bit small and unstable for three storklets and the lack of food source nearby still remains.
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Post by asteria »

As Grafs did not come after all the storklets flew away and did not prepare the nest to the next year, he may choose another place for nesting.
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Post by asteria »

Black stork nesting story 2021 by Amanda777

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