Mūsu cālis zvejo zivtiņas barotavā /Juvenile is fishing.. but without success. at least not seen in the video that it was able to catch a fish..
there are also pics from the fish
https://forums.dabasdati.lv/viewtopic.p ... 50#p299850
When Aleksejs Saripins came to the feeding pool, 2 juveniles flew away nearby. He thinks they were 2 of ours. Unfortunately he lost his camera memory card because of his excitement
YT- Chat :
Google translate:Aleksejs Šaripins
Sveiks visiem! Vakar pārāk vēlu atbraucu mājas, tā pēc arī nesanāca izstāstīt par notikumiem pie barotavas.Tā tad, ir gan labas ziņas, gan sliktas. Sākšu ar labam:
Pie barotavas vel aiz vien uzturas zivju gārnis. Barotava joprojām ir dzīvas karūsas(vismaz trīs, kurās bija redzamas), tā tad viss nav apēsts.
Un pati galvenā labā ziņa ir tā, ka kamēr mainīju foto slazdam akumulatoru un karti pāri grāvim (kādas 200 m. no barotavas)
ar bļaušanu, viens aiz otra pārlidoja divi melna stārķa cāļi (visticamāk, ka mūsējie) un nozuda mežā.
Un tagad pie sliktām ziņām!
Tieši tajā brīdi kad taisījos ņemt ārā atmiņas karti no kameras, divi putni nolēma novirzīt manu uzmanību un šķērsot grāvi.
Visticamāk, ka karti paspēju atspiest bet izņemt neizņēmu, jo visa uzmanībā tika novērsta uz putniem. Kad atgriezos pie procesā konstatēju, ka karte vairs nav kamerā.
Pārmeklēju visu iespējamo (gan kabatas, gan grāvja ūdeni jo kamera stāv grāvim pa vidu) bet neatradu, vēl jo vairāk visu pasliktināja lietus.
Labi vien ir tas, kad nomainot akumulatoru, kamera atsūtīja dažus video failus kuri arī būs pieejami serverī.
Manas domas: Cāļi (vismaz divi kas ir redzēti) vēl joprojām uzturas ligzdas apkārtne un ir dzīvi.
Noteikti, ka instinkti viņiem liek jau arī pašiem meklēt sev barību un lidot tālāk prom no ligzdas tās meklējumos.
Vēl kādu laiku turpināsim vērot notikumus pie barotavas, bet iespējams, jau drīz mūsu cāļi dosies savā pirmajā,
patstāvīgajā migrācija pa ceļam atrodot bagātus zivju dīķus kur viņiem būs iespēja netraucētiem uzbaroties.
Iepriekšējos gados tādus jaunos īpatņus esmu jau redzējis augusta beigas un septembra sākumā zivju dīķos. Tā pēc ir cerība, ka arī mūsējiem sanāks!
Alexei Sharipin
Hello everyone! I got home late yesterday so I couldn't cover what was happening on the feeder so there is both good and bad news. I start with the good:
A heron is still at the feeder. The feeder has crucian carp (Carassius carassius) still alive (at least three of which have been seen), so not all of it will be eaten.
And the main good news is that while I was changing the battery of the photo trap and the card across the ditch (about 200m from the power supply)
With a roar, two juvenile black storks (probably ours) flew one after the other and disappeared into the forest.
And now for the bad news!
Just as I was about to take the memory card out of the camera, the two birds decided to divert my attention and cross the ditch.
Most likely, I managed to unzip the card but not remove it as all the attention was on the birds. When I returned to the operation, I found that the card was no longer in the camera.
I searched all sorts of things (both pocket and trench water because the camera is in the middle of the trench) but I didn't find it, the rain made it worse.
The good thing is that when the battery was replaced, the camera sent some video files that will also be available on the server.
My thoughts: The juveniles (at least two that have been seen) still stay in the nest and live.
In any case, their instincts cause them to look for food on their own and fly away from the nest in search of it.
We will follow what is happening at the feeding place for some time, but maybe our chicks will soon go on their first journey
On the independent hike along the path, they will find rich fish ponds in which they have the opportunity to fatten undisturbed.
In previous years I saw such juveniles in fish ponds at the end of August and beginning of September. So there is hope that we will meet them.
I hope GT was working good enough
what a pity he lost the memory card
I'm pretty happy that two were spotted.