Latvian black storks - 2022

Black Stork nests in Latvia
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Re: Latvian black storks - 2022

Post by ame »

good afternoon!
MĀRIS has given information about the Latvian nest cameras. ... af#p358191
* Yesterday /7.01./ with Jānis Ķuze and four other participants we went to survey the surroundings of this nest with the hope of finding the new nest where Silva and Slīter could have nested. Unlucky... If we were lucky, this live broadcast would be moved to the found nest, but now it is clear that she will be dismantled and moved to Ķemeri, where Jānis has one nest in mind.

* The live black stork has already been dismantled and moved to another location, so it will be a new nest.

* A live maintenance visit to the Durbe nest is planned sometime soon - the front protective glass of the lens will be replaced. When this event comes closer, I will inform you.

* Will still be looking for black kites' new nest to re-live if successful.

* The live broadcast of Theo's Nest is still undecided.
thank you MĀRIS! :thumbs:
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Post by Liz01 »

ame wrote: January 8th, 2023, 2:42 pm ....
MĀRIS has given information about the Latvian nest cameras. ... af#p358191
ame, thank you very much. :loveshower:
* The live black stork has already been dismantled and moved to another location, so it will be a new nest.
I'm so happy! A new nest with maybe successful brood, that's too nice. I can barely wait for it :D :D
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Post by Polly »

Too bad.
This couple might have found success this year.
They just found each other too late. :rolleyes:


I find it unfortunate that places are not consistently guarded over long periods of time.

Thank you @ame!
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Post by Susanne »

Since yesterday, there is a new BS live web-cam online:

Quote: "Kā liecina Māra Strazda rīcībā esošā informācija, melno stārķu ligzdošanas iecirknis šeit ir zināms vismaz kopš 2003. gada, tomēr šī ligzda ir atrasta tikai 2021. gada janvārī.

Ligzda varētu būt būvēta 2010. gadā pēc iepriekšējās ligzdas pamešanas. 2021. gadā mazuļu nebija, 2022. sekmīgi izvesti trīs jaunie putni. Iepriekšējā ligzdā šajā teritorijā viens no vecajiem putniem bija gredzenots, savukārt šajā ligzdā 2022. gadā abi ligzdojošie vecie putni bija bez gredzeniem."

GT: "According to the information available to Māras Strazda, the nesting area of black storks has been known here since at least 2003, however, this nest was only found in January 2021.
The nest could have been built in 2010 after the previous nest was abandoned. In 2021, there were no chicks, in 2022, three young birds were successfully hatched. In the previous nest in this area, one of the old birds was ringed, while in this nest in 2022, both nesting old birds were ringless."
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Post by ame »

the new season 2023 is about to begin.

i have opened a new topic. welcome!

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