Raven Camera

A Webcam at Tallinn City Centre. The nest cam is lower left. Other views over city centre and harbour.
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Re: Raven Camera

Post by greeneyes »

Hi Bleggi.

I think, the problem is, that we are not able to watch them the hole time. Over a longer distance of watching you can see the little differences between the individuals. The ravens were fascinating and there view also. I hope, that we will see them at this place.

Have a nice night.
I like boars.
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Post by alice44 »

Bleggi wrote: Hello greeneyes: Sometimes I think sitting in the nest is a young one and on the rim or the railing is an adult. It is a pitty that this birds couldn't get rings for knowing who is who.
I am always happy to see a raven here.
Greetings from Bleggi :hi:
This seems a good guess. Often I see starlings and jays sort of like that -- it seems the youngsters sit lower and the parents look out. And it this case, one would expect that the youngsters would could go to their nest.
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Post by Bleggi »

Now I think it is coming to an end with the ravens on this place. I did not see one of them since last time when I showed a pic. This pic is to see now:
So I say: Bye, bye :hi: until next breeding season. Thanks for everything.
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Post by greeneyes »

Today a short visit at the old home.


Crying against the gulls.


clean up?

I like boars.
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Post by Bleggi »

"Die Schönen des Osten" (The nice of the East) - Talinn
Report in ZDF Info - Germany
http://infokanal.zdf.de/ZDFde/inhalt/17 ... 80,00.html

Report about the people in the last 20 years. Wonderful buildings,too and ...

edit: 2011-08-20 - 13:35
It is a pitty that in the report they haven't any pictures of Talinn. In the film it was so great to see many buildings and I was always waiting for going to the harbour and looking around and.... yes, they did and I saw the chimney - sometimes they came nearer and I saw a bit the flat where the ravens lived. I was so glad - you can't imagine!!!

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