Solo wrote:Btw. I hope your holiday was nice and your late Wstorklet is O.K.
I wish him/her safe trips and long lifeLiz01 wrote:On Saturday I was at the nest. There is an information panel. One can read, that the cute Storklet is flown away
Solo wrote:Btw. I hope your holiday was nice and your late Wstorklet is O.K.
I wish him/her safe trips and long lifeLiz01 wrote:On Saturday I was at the nest. There is an information panel. One can read, that the cute Storklet is flown away
Liz01 wrote:Zile and Ozols 2016 important events at nest
SueSue wrote: Liz , many thanks for the important events list.... If I understand well you think that the first female (who lost the battle) was our "old" Zile from the last year. Am I right? I ask because I have thought till this time that it was a unknown young female (not very experienced). And that the old Zile was not involved in this year at all . But I know you are an excellent observer therefore I would like to know your opinion. Thanks.
At the beginning, there was a time with the old Zile. I remember that I even wrote about it but then the problem with the Trio started and we lost it... we didn't really understand what was going on.Liz01 wrote: Sue
you have correctly understood me.
In the beginning I thought, that the first female is young and not very experienced.
It is generally very difficult to say anything, because none of the storks has a ring.
The Zile 2016 was clearly a very young female. She had brown feathers.
It may be, that both were not Zile. But Ozols appeared with the "strange lady" very familiar. So I thought often, that it is the "old" Zile.
later, when Ozols had chicks, he was clearly in his behavior and has "the old Zile" expelled from his habitat.
Maybe next year comes a stork with ring. That would be great.
Yes, so it is.Liz01 wrote:i gues it is a white stork nest
they are 2 streams from October 19Liz01 wrote:vainamoinen, thank you ... snow ... ... i-kontaktiSolo wrote:
vainamoinen, pls, Where are these nests?
vainamionen, TYvainamoinen wrote:Kokaudzētava "Zābaki" is located near Sigulda, about 50 km from Rīga in north-east direction
lianaliesma, TYlianaliesma wrote:... Where are these nests? ... ... i-kontakti
I can not really translate it properly.Vērotāja wrote:Saņēmu vēstuli no Māra Strazda:
Iekārušos zaru svētdien mēģinās novākt, pareizāk sakot, novāks, taču ir ļoti liels risks, ka zars noies zemē ar visu ligzdu - kura šobrīd turas uz nekā - jo 1,5m no galvenā zara, kas to balstīja, ir zemē. Ja nu tas notiks, tad tur uztaisīs mākslīgo ligzdu, tam palīdzība nav vajadzīga un laiks pietiks.
GT:lianaliesma wrote:Super! Tieši tas, kas vajadzīgs- jauna stipra ligzda!