English Titles of Articles from Looduskalender Main Page

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Re: English Titles of Articles from Looduskalender Main Page

Post by Liis »

Latest LK main page articles: Week 40
Here are the titles, in English, of the LK main page stories in week 40 in the order that they are published.
Click on the title to go to the article in Looduskalender, in Estonian.
Click on a language shown in Switch language or Keelevahetaja at the end of article to see if the story has been translated. If not (yet), the Estonian text will be shown. For the badger stories use the language change option at the top of the page.
Week goes from Monday to Sunday, inclusive.

Monday, 03.10.2016
Week 39 26.9.2016-2.10.2016 in the Jõgeva area
About moths – Figure of eight moth
VIDEO: Brown bear activity tracks for nature watchers

Tuesday, 04.10.2016
“Home” of elk bull
Museum of Natural History invites teachers to nature observations seminar
“Night Owl Academy” introduces the Animal of the Year

Wednesday, 05.10.2016
Garden bird diary closes
Two poems about badgers
Night Owl Academy about the Animal of the Year

Thursday, 06.10.2016
Flying squirrel news from Finland
House of Sacred Groves informs
Nature photo masterclass with Arne Ader

Friday, 07.10.2016
About moths – December moth
Bites for badgers

i]Saturday, 08.10.2016[/i]
Images from photo contest: Family moment
This and that about rowans

Sunday, 09.10.2016
Conference on swan theme, family day, flying of kites
New watching tower in Rõuge Ööbikuorg (Nightingale Valley) to be opened
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Post by Liis »

Latest LK main page articles: Week 41
Here are the titles, in English, of the LK main page stories in week 41, October 10–16, in the order that they are published.
Click on the title to go to the article in Looduskalender, in Estonian.
Click on a language shown in Switch language or Keelevahetaja at the end of article to see if the story has been translated. If not (yet), the Estonian text will be shown. For the badger stories use the language change option at the top of the page.
Week goes from Monday to Sunday, inclusive.

Monday, 10.10.2016
Deadline for Bird of the Year drawing contest approaching
VIDEO: In old forests the three-toed woodpecker can still be seen
A week in the woods: All three badgers at home

Tuesday, 11.10.2016
The time of birth of great tit chicks does not influence the time of their migration start
Week 40 3.10.2016-9.10.2016 in the Jõgeva area
VIDEO: Three-toed woodpecker

Wednesday, 12.10.2016
One month long fishing prohibition begins in salmon rivers
Autumn wolf fears
About migrating goldfinches

Thursday, 13.10.2016
Autumn of apples and acorns 2016
Barnacle geese stay until snow comes

Friday, 14.10.2016
Final results from October 1-2 birdwatch
About moths – Mottled umbers fly even in cool nights
Powerful mustelid

Saturday, 15.10.2016
Linda! Go cry elsewhere!
International miracle remedy

Sunday, 16.10.2016
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Post by Liis »

Latest LK main page articles: Week 42
Here are the titles, in English, of the LK main page stories in week 42, October 17–24, in the order that they are published.
Click on the title to go to the article in Looduskalender, in Estonian.
Click on a language shown in Switch language or Keelevahetaja at the end of article to see if the story has been translated. If not (yet), the Estonian text will be shown. For the badger stories use the language change option at the top of the page.
Week goes from Monday to Sunday, inclusive.

Monday, 17.10.2016
Week in the woods. First proper night frosts
Poisonous berries. - Yew
UNESCO Baltic Sea WebQuiz invites students to take part

Tuesday, 18.10.2016
Week 41 10.10.2016-16.10.2016 in the Jõgeva area
Drawing contest deadline approaching!
Birch sap flows

Wednesday, 19.10.2016
Authors of best Animal of the Year poems found
Waxwings migrating
Worthwhile to visit Bloodless Hunt exhibition

Thursday, 20.10.2016
About migration of bean geese

About migration of white-fronted geese
Late autumn signs

Saturday, 22.10.2016
VIDEO: Beaver hauls apples
Best remedies against this year’s autumn cough?

Sunday, 23.10.2016
About pines
Fish camera starts
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Post by Liis »

Latest LK main page articles: Week 43
Here are the titles, in English, of the LK main page stories in week 43, October 24–30, in the order that they are published.
Click on the title to go to the article in Looduskalender, in Estonian.
Click on a language shown in Switch language or Keelevahetaja at the end of article to see if the story has been translated. If not (yet), the Estonian text will be shown. For the badger stories use the language change option at the top of the page.
Week goes from Monday to Sunday, inclusive.

Monday, 24.10.2016
Week in the woods. Badgers drive raccoon dogs away
VIDEOS: Does a little bird worry ...

Tuesday, 25.10.2016
First snow
Sparrowhawk in snowfall
Week 42 17.10.2016-23.10.2016 in the Jõgeva area
Rail Baltica factual discussion continues

Wednesday, 26.10.2016
Last call – Send photos from badger’s life and environment
Hissing may save tit’s life
Reader’s letter: Late autumn meeting with great white egret
2475 contributions sent to Bird of the Year drawing competition!

Thursday, 27.10.2016
Bird conference in Tartu on November 11th
Tree felling at badger sett
Please note – waterfowl need no extra feeding

My encounters with badgers
Bird of the Year competition – Questions for 9th round
About moths – Plumed prominent

Saturday, 29.10.2016
Badger camera season ending
Only days left to end of Sacred Groves Photography Contest

Sunday, 30.10.2016
Migration of passerines - Siskins
Bear poop gallery
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Post by Liis »

Latest LK main page articles: Week 44
Here are the titles, in English, of the LK main page stories in week 44, October 31-November 6, in the order that they have been published.
Click on the title to go to the article in Looduskalender, in Estonian.
Click on a language shown in Switch language or Keelevahetaja at the end of article to see if the story has been translated. If not (yet), the Estonian text will be shown. For the badger stories use the language change option at the top of the page.
Week goes from Monday to Sunday, inclusive.

Monday, 31.10.2016
Week in the woods. First snow and wolves
Long video story: Woodpecker takes over tit’s nestbox

Tuesday, 1.11. 2016
Week 43, 24.10.2016-30.10.2016, in the Jõgeva area
Bird of the Year identification competition: results of 9th round
What are the elks doing?
GDT European Wildlife Photographer of the Year 2016, Highly commended

Wednesday, 2.11.2016
Night Owl Academy: Badger’s nature and ways
Behaviour of badgers has changed
About moths – Winter moths (Oreophtera)
VIDEO: Woodcock trail

Thursday, 3.11.2016
Time to go to sleep
About migrating passerines

Friday, 4.11.2016
Children found Margus
Photographer looking for motif – Photo contest with photographer as subject
Migrating passerines - Goldfinches

Saturday, 5.11.2016
Gems from poetry competition
Brown trout shakes its tail
Estonian Society for Nature Conservation celebrates 50th anniversary

Sunday, 6.11.2016
Which will be the most bird-friendly class in Estonia?
VIDEO: Mallards at spawning ground
A week in the wood: Romping badgers and snow
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Post by Liis »

Latest LK main page articles: Week 45
Here are the titles, in English, of the LK main page stories in week 45, November 7 - November 13, in the order that they have been published.
Click on the title to go to the article in Looduskalender, in Estonian.
Click on a language shown in Switch language or Keelevahetaja at the end of article to see if the story has been translated. If not (yet), the Estonian text will be shown. For the badger stories use the language change option at the top of the page.
Week runs from Monday to Sunday, inclusive.

Monday, 7.11.2016
Feeding time for garden birds is here
Hazel grouse in snow cave
Morning in the Pae park

Tuesday, 8.11. 2016
Week 44 31.10.2016- 6.11.2016 in the Jõgeva area
Waiting for the insect winter
VIDEO: Nothing is left to waste in the forest

Wednesday, 9.11.2016
Students invited – 2017 environmental research projects competition
Badger tales: Meeting a badger on a forest path
Badger poems in TV and radio
Night Owl Academy: Trail camera records and their use

Thursday, 10.11.2016
Beautiful late visitors in wintery landscape
Bird of the Year 2018 – Nomination competition

Friday, 11.11.2016
Photo show “Badger’s house at path’s end"
Why collect winter stores when you can pinch from others
Video competition deadline of Estonian flora treasury project approaching

Saturday, 12.11.2016
Night shelter for Bird of the Year
About bear attacks
Early winter of roe deer

Sunday, 13.11.2016
Animation: Juss helps great tit
Supermoon may peek out between clouds
Steam wafts from burrow
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Post by Liis »

Latest LK main page articles: Week 46
Here are the titles, in English, of the LK main page stories in week 46, November 14 - November 20, in the order that they have been published.
Click on the title to go to the article in Looduskalender, in Estonian.
Click on a language shown in Switch language or Keelevahetaja at the end of article to see if the story has been translated. If not (yet), the Estonian text will be shown. For the badger stories use the language change option at the top of the page.
Week runs from Monday to Sunday, inclusive.

Monday, 14.11.2016
Redpoll flocks
Calendar Birds of Estonia

Tuesday, 15.11. 2016
Week 45 7.11.2016- 13.11.2016 in the Jõgeva area
Only few days left to deadline for computer drawings competition

Wednesday, 16.11.2016
Estonian butterflies colour book published
Badger poem by Kirke
READER’S LETTER About bird feeder visitors
VIDEO: Rail Baltic, a new chapter in history of Estonia's plagues?

Thursday, 17.11.2016
Come see the badger photo exhibition!
Red deer camera
VIDEO Trail of brown bear tracks

Friday, 18.11.2016
Evelina’s poem about Animal of the Year
Exhibition of best drawings from the Bird of the Year drawing contest
VIDEO Raul Vaiksoo about the Gulf of Finland

Saturday, 19.11.2016
Badger now
VIDEO "Carpet" of seals on Saaremaa western coast

Sunday, 20.11.2016
By train to Riga
Week in the wood: Raccoon dogs and thaw
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Post by Liis »

Latest LK main page articles: Week 47
Here are the titles, in English, of the LK main page stories in week 47, November 21 - November 28, in the order that they are published.
Click on the title to go to the article in Looduskalender, in Estonian.
Click on a language shown in Switch language or Keelevahetaja at the end of article to see if the story has been translated. If not (yet), the Estonian text will be shown. For the badger stories use the language change option at the top of the page.
Week goes from Monday to Sunday, inclusive.

Monday, 21.11.2016
Magazine “Kägu”
Great tits judge danger from predator by its shape
Exhibition “Badger’s burrow at path’s end” at RMK

Tuesday, 22.11. 2016
Week 46 14.11.2016- 20.11.2016 in the Jõgeva area
Eva’s Animal of the Year poem

Wednesday, 23.11.2016
Badger in compost pile

Thursday, 24.11.2016
Lisbeth’s Animal of the Year poem
“See Me!” 10th year

Friday, 25.11.2016
Great tit loses one-tenth of body weight in long winter night
VIDEO Jumping river trout

Saturday, 26.11.2016
VIDEO: Badger in snowfall in final video from Latvian Animal of the Year
Bird of the Year identification contest: Questions for 10th round
Tree huggers

Sunday, 27.11.2016
Opening of Loodus photo contest exhibition
Mushroom picking time goes on
Transmissions from Nature Nights every Monday
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Post by Liis »

Latest LK main page articles: Week 48
Here are the titles, in English, of the LK main page stories in week 48, November 28 – December 4, in the order that they are published.
Click on the title to go to the article in Looduskalender, in Estonian.
Click on a language shown in Switch language or Keelevahetaja at the end of article to see if the story has been translated. If not (yet), the Estonian text will be shown. For the badger stories use the language change option at the top of the page.
Week goes from Monday to Sunday, inclusive.

Monday, 28.11.2016
Summer garden bird diary summary – Bumblebees
A week in the woods. Warm weather and storm

Tuesday, 29.11. 2016
Week 47 21.11.2016- 27.11.2016 in the Jõgeva area
Invitation to presentation of Kristel Vilbaste’s book Loodusekirjad - Letters from Nature
Tomorrow is St Andrew’s day

Wednesday, 30.11.2016
Mergansers still quite often seen

Thursday, 01.12.2016
Robert’s Animal of the Year text
Results from the Year of the Great Tit bird identification contest
Exhibition “Estonian Apple” in botanical garden of University of Tartu
Black poplar widest tree in Läänemaa

Friday, 02.12.2016
Animals on the road – exhibition in courtyard of Museum of Natural History
Otter at spawning place
Yellowhammers – always in groups

Laura Emilia’s Animal of the Year poem
VIDEO: All back off when confronted with Hubert

Sunday, 04.12.2016
Otter operating at spawning ground
How the disobedient are disciplined
Summer garden bird diary’s plant observations
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Post by Liis »

Latest LK main page articles: Week 49
Here are the titles, in English, of the LK main page stories in week 49, December 5 – December 11, in the order that they are published.
Click on the title to go to the article in Looduskalender, in Estonian.
Click on a language shown in Switch language or Keelevahetaja at the end of article to see if the story has been translated. If not (yet), the Estonian text will be shown. For the badger stories use the language change option at the top of the page.
Week goes from Monday to Sunday, inclusive.

Monday, 05.12.2016
Winners of computer drawing contest found

Tuesday, 06.12. 2016
A week in the woods. Wolves
Week 48 28.11.2016 - 4.12.2016 in the Jõgeva area

Wednesday, 07.12.2016
Capricious autumn left frogs out late
Goldeneyes most often encountered in coastal waters

Thursday, 08.12.2016
Sandra’s Animal of the Year poem
Eesti Loodus’s 2016 photo contest results
Mole’s doings

Friday, 09.12.2016
Results of badger survey: slightly increasing trend in numbers
Males vs females – who are cleverest at problem solving
Estonian forest management must be set on sustainable path and made understandable to the public
“Public Estonia”

Saturday, 10.12.2016
Leena’s Animal of the Year poem
VIDEO: Enough lying about on seal beach
About irresponsible autumn bird hunting in Estonia

Sunday, 11.12.2016
Interesting book for forest fans
This year's sharpest concern: Why Rail Baltic for us?
Grand bird night in Tallinn
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Post by Liis »

Latest LK main page articles: Week 50
Here are the titles, in English, of the LK main page stories in week 50, December 12 – December 18, in the order that they are published.
Click on the title to go to the article in Looduskalender, in Estonian.
Click on a language shown in Switch language or Keelevahetaja at the end of article to see if the story has been translated. If not (yet), the Estonian text will be shown. For the badger stories use the language change option at the top of the page.
Week goes from Monday to Sunday, inclusive.

Monday, 12.12.2016
Winter bird camera
A week in the woods. Raccoon dog caresses
Summer garden bird diary summaries
VIDEOS: Camera at brown trout spawning ground closes

Tuesday,13.12. 2016
Contents of magazine Hirundo
Week 49, 5.11.2016-11.12.2016 in the Jõgeva area

Wednesday, 14.12.2016
Considering the bird of the EOY jubilee year
Newsletter “Tiirutaja” for bird enthusiasts published

Thursday, 15.12.2016
George’s Animal of the Year poem
Picket at Ministry of the Environment to request change of environmentally unsound forest policy

Friday, 16.12.2016
How are the boars doing?
National competition of students’ research work - Advance notice

Saturday, 17.12.2016
Bears asleep
At the Kaavere Salualuse Witches Well

Sunday, 18.12.2016
Winter harvest
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Post by Liis »

Latest LK main page articles: Week 51
Here are the titles, in English, of the LK main page stories in week 51, December 19 – December 25, in the order that they are published.
Click on the title to go to the article in Looduskalender, in Estonian.
Click on a language shown in Switch language or Keelevahetaja at the end of article to see if the story has been translated. If not (yet), the Estonian text will be shown. For the badger stories use the language change option at the top of the page.
Week goes from Monday to Sunday, inclusive.

Monday, 19.12.2016
A week in the woods. Badgers stretched their legs

Tuesday, 20.12. 2016
Calendar winter began at 12.44
“Photographer capturing image”
Week 50 12.12.2016-18.12.2016 in the Jõgeva area

Wednesday, 21.12.2016
Summer garden bird diary summary: Birds

Thursday, 22.12.2016
Estonian forestry should be sustainable
Ancient holiday
Garden bird diary, last summary: Breeding year 2016

Friday, 23.12.2016
How long does a badger sleep?
Secret path

Saturday, 24.12.2016
Christmas Peace!
Christmas time with poem

Sunday, 25.12.2016
About delicious winter mushrooms
VIDEO: Loungers on seal beach
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Post by Liis »

Latest LK main page articles: Week 52
Here are the titles, in English, of the LK main page stories in week 52, December 26 – January 1, in the order that they are published.
Click on the title to go to the article in Looduskalender, in Estonian.
Click on a language shown in Switch language or Keelevahetaja at the end of article to see if the story has been translated. If not (yet), the Estonian text will be shown. For the badger stories use the language change option at the top of the page.
Week goes from Monday to Sunday, inclusive.

Monday, 26.12.2016
Craving for light
Winter bird feeder camera

Tuesday, 27.12.2016
A week in the woods. Christmas
Week 51 19.12.2016-25.12.2016 in the Jõgeva area

Wednesday, 28.12.2016
When the badger made loud noises – a memory from spring
Have you noticed the siskin flocks?

Thursday, 29.12.2016
Great tit – a generalist or instead a specialist?
Winter bird camera – Blue tit

Friday, 30.12.2016
Large badger setts need more effective protection
Weather year 2016

Saturday, 31.12.2016
Goodbye, badger!
READER’S LETTER: Thermoimage of brown big-eared bat
A week in the woods: Badger year’s last
Happy New Year!

Sunday, 01.01.2017
Earthworms at turn of the year
Bear world becomes more numerous
The Animal of the Year is the roe deer
VIDEO: Great tit left without shelter
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Post by Liis »

Latest LK main page articles: Week 01 2017
Here are the titles, in English, of the LK main page articles in week 01, January 2 – January 8, in the order that they are published.
Click on the title to go to the article in Looduskalender, in Estonian.
Click on a language shown in Switch language or Keelevahetaja at the end of article to see if the story has been translated. If not (yet), the Estonian text will be shown. For the badger stories use the language change option at the top of the page.
Week goes from Monday to Sunday, inclusive.

Monday, 02.01.2017
All know the roe deer
The year of the turtle dove has started
VIDEO: New Year deers in camera view

Tuesday, 03.01.2017
Reader’s poem: Great tit
Week 52 26.12.2016-1.1.2017 in the Jõgeva area
What more to take particular note of this year?

Wednesday, 04.01.2017
Will our fishing waters be enriched
Two notices

Thursday, 05.01.2017
Birth-giving time for female fish
Winter bird camera – Willow tit and for comparison marsh tit

Friday, 06.01.2017
Mid-winter waterfowl count
Winter bird camera – Tree sparrow

Saturday, 07.01.2017
Winter bird camera – House sparrow
In connection with the waterfowl count - Kingfisher

Sunday, 08.01.2017
Garden Potterer's stories
Winter bird camera – Coal tit
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Post by Liis »

Latest LK main page articles: Week 02 2017
Here are the titles, in English, of the LK main page stories in week 02, January 9–January 15 in the order that they are published.
Click on the title to go to the article in Looduskalender, in Estonian.
Click on a language shown in Switch language or Keelevahetaja at the end of article to see if the story has been translated. If not (yet), the Estonian text will be shown.
Week goes from Monday to Sunday, inclusive.

Monday, 09.01.2017
Mushroom of the Year - Chanterelle
Week 1, 2.1.2017-8.1.2017 in the Jõgeva area
READER’S LETTER: About mange in our forests

Observations of the Bird of the Year
Winter bird feeder camera - Bullfinches

Wednesday, 11.01.2017
Night Owl Academy visited by Valdur Mikita
Backyard Potterer’s Diary – Serial continues
VIDEO: Stormy days in the Baltic
Picture story: Grain ball vandals

Thursday, 12.01.2017
Roe bucks antlers growing
Surprisingly many dippers

Friday, 13.01.2017
Comings and goings of roe deer on Estonian territory

Saturday, 14.01.2017
Our deciduous forests need new management plan
Why must deciduous forests be protected?

Sunday, 15.01.2017
Reader’s letter: Antler “forest”
Winter bird feeder camera – White-backed woodpecker
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Post by Liis »

Latest LK main page articles: Week 03 2017
Here are the titles, in English, of the LK main page stories in week 03, January 16–January 22 in the order that they are published.
Click on the title to go to the article in Looduskalender, in Estonian.
Click on a language shown in Switch language or Keelevahetaja at the end of article to see if the story has been translated. If not (yet), the Estonian text will be shown.
Week goes from Monday to Sunday, inclusive.

Monday, 16.01.2017
Crane Ahja 5 in Ethiopia
Winter bird feeder camera – Great spotted woodpecker
VIDEOS: Quarrelsome mood blossoms

Week 2 9.1.2017-14.1.2017 in the Jõgeva area
Winter the mixer of the genetic material of great tit?

Wednesday, 18.01.2017
60 000 pairs of birds lost each year from Estonian forests
Survey first, after that laws
Winter bird feeder camera – Grey-headed woodpecker

Thursday, 19.01.2017
On the deer ground
Black stork nest camera presentation in London to be continued in spring in Taiwan

Friday, 20.01.2017
Handing out of awards for Environmental Deed of the Year
Exhibition at Natural History Museum brings ancient maritime beasts to life digitally
Hawk owls seen now and then

Saturday, 21.01.2017
Oh for those Pärtel girls!
From darkness towards light in nature

Do you know the bearded reedlings?
VIDEO: Who are wading around in seal camera view?
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Post by Liis »

Latest LK main page articles: Week 04 2017
Here are the titles, in English, of the LK main page stories in week 04, January 22–January 29 in the order that they are published.
Click on the title to go to the article in Looduskalender, in Estonian.
Click on a language shown in Switch language or Keelevahetaja at the end of article to see if the story has been translated. If not (yet), the Estonian text will be shown.
Week goes from Monday to Sunday, inclusive.

Monday, 22.01.2017
Siskin flocks
Deadline for pupils’ environmental theme competition is 20.02.2017

Tuesday, 24.01.2017
Week 3 16.1.2017- 22.1.2017 in the Jõgeva area
Two weeks allowed for scrutinizing proposal for 30 year strategy for subterranean resources use?
VIDEO: Animal of the Year

Biological museum exhibits as 3D models
See what Osoon said about the Animal of the Year
Winter waterfowl census - 2017
A butterfly specialist's adventures

Thursday, 26.01.2017
VIDEO: Video accusation
Vote tomorrow on allowing new GM corn in Europe

Friday, 27.01.2017
Winter bird feeder camera – Nuthatch
“Forest of trees”

Saturday, 28.01.2017
Uranium, rails and pensions

Sunday, 29.01.2017
Roe deer in Estonia and in Siberia
READER’S LETTER: Life through the eyes of a roe deer
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Post by Liis »

Latest LK main page articles: Week 05 2017
Here are the titles, in English, of the LK main page stories in week 05, January 30–February 6 in the order that they are published.
Click on the title to go to the article in Looduskalender, in Estonian.
Click on a language shown in Switch language or Keelevahetaja at the end of article to see if the story has been translated. If not (yet), the Estonian text will be shown.
Week goes from Monday to Sunday, inclusive.

Bird watching
First results from garden winter bird count

Tuesday, 31.01.2017
Week 4, 23.1.2017- 29.1.2017 in the Jõgeva area
Avalik Eesti – Public Estonia no 2 published
Environmental impact assessment of Rail Baltic is inadequate and the selected path damages important natural values
Strategy for subterranean resources does not aim at efficient use of resources or limitating environmental impact

Wednesday, 01.02.2017
“Life in the fridge”
Award to young environmental fighter – Annely Esko
Winter bird feeder camera – Jay

Thursday, 02.02.2017
End of January: Glaze frosts in Jõgeva
Winter bird feeder camera - Jackdaw

Friday, 03.02.2017
Are great tits true to a bird feeder?
Please explain the financing of Rail Baltic to us
Hens in trees

Saturday, 04.02.2017
Encounter with roe deer
Winter bird feeder camera - Greenfinches

Sunday, 05.02.2017
Badger does not sleep
Winter bird feeder camera – House pigeon
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Post by Liis »

Latest LK main page articles: Week 06 2017
Here are the titles, in English, of the LK main page stories in week 06, (Monday, February 06 – Sunday, February 12) in the order that they are published.
Click on the title to go to the article in Looduskalender, in Estonian.
Click on a language shown in Switch language or Keelevahetaja at the end of article to see if the story has been translated. If not (yet), the Estonian text will be shown.

Monday, 06.02.2017
VIDEO – Golden eagles at Alutaguse
Videos: Activities in wolf life

Tuesday, 07.02.2017
Week 5, 30.1.2017- 5.02.2017 in the Jõgeva area
Erratic boulders
READER’S LETTER: Squirrels at Mustamäe

Wednesday, 08.02.2017
Winter menu of roe deer
Night Owl Academy – Ancient Baltic sea
Bird of the Year stamp
Ice on sea at Käsmu

Thursday, 09.02.2017
Scratching tree
Bear cubs in winter den

How is love expressed in nature?
With summer in mind
VIDEOS: About the life of elks in winter

Saturday, 11.02.2017
Hair cap moss – The moss of the year
Bird accident in Võrumaa
Foxes courting

“Path patterns”, exhibition and book
Raccoon dogs mating
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Joined: December 5th, 2008, 7:00 pm

Post by Liis »

Latest LK main page articles: Week 07 2017
Here are the titles, in English, of the LK main page stories in week 07, (Monday, February 13 – Sunday, February 19) in the order that they are published.
Click on the title to go to the article in Looduskalender, in Estonian.
Click on a language shown in Switch language or Keelevahetaja at the end of article to see if the story has been translated. If not (yet), the Estonian text will be shown.

Monday, 13.02.2017
VIDEO – Valentine Day of ravens

Tuesday, 14.02.2017
Week 6, 6.2.2017- 12.2.2017 in the Jõgeva area
Love poem contest announced
Blue tits are clearly more stationary than great tits in communities

Wednesday, 15.02.2017
More about the numbers of roe deer
University of Tartu invites pupils to take part in bird contest
Hello Spring 2017!

Thursday, 16.02.2017
Club for the Inquisitive
Black grouse leks start

Story of the Tülivere oak
Seal camera works

Saturday, 18.02.2017
New reading for nature friends
About mothers and midwives
Sunday, 19.02.2017
VIDEO: About the pygmy owl
VIDEO: Seal mum coaxed her pup into water
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