Wolf Year Photo Contest photo, author Ingmar Muusikus
Translation: Liis
Wolf plank. When the river is ice-free, trees fallen across the water are helpful. Sometimes the tree trunk is so slender that for crossing by it you must have acrobatic skills. Wolves have. The wolf plank has been crossed by 2 or 3 wolves. Even when the river is ice-covered the same point is used for crossing.
Dear nature lover:
Looduse Omnibuss, Estonian Society for Nature Conservation (Eesti Looduskaitse Selts), the Ministry of Environment (Keskkonnaministeerium) and Eesti Energia invite all nature lovers to the “Great Turn of Year Celebration“, to be held on Sunday, December 15th, in Tallinn in the Estonia Concert Hall, beginning at 16.00.
The Year of the Wolf ends and the Year of the Ringed Seal begins.
Opening words by Rein Maran.
Music made by Riho Sibul, Jaak Tuksam, Triinu Taul, Tuuli Taul-Velling, Teet Velling, Ain Varts.
Organ played by Andres Uibo.
Premiere of “Song of Wolf“* video with Ajutine Valitsus band.
Merle Jääger reads own wolf poems.
Photos by Peep Männil, Kaupo Kikkas and Ingmar Muusikus shown.
We will see photos of wolves from surveillance cameras, photos of other predators, and videos.
Recognitions to young nature conservationists will be presented by Minister of the Environment Keit Pentus-Rosimannus.
Presentation of book "Susi, kriimsilm, metsatöll ...".
“Year of the Wolf“ photo contest winners announced.
The evening is hosted by Rohke Debelakk.
All are invited!
Tickets from Piletimaailm and at the event, price 5 EUR, children and students free.
Gift of Looduse calendar handed out to all.
For more information call:
*Song of Wolves text here -