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Long-flowering goldenrods

Photos Arne Ader
Translation Liis
Goldenrod; European goldenrod    Harilik kuldvits          Solidago virgaurea
A native species in Estonia, the goldenrod started flowering in the second half of July, We will see goldenrods flowering for a long time, until autumn. It is impossible not to notice where the goldenrod grows: road verges, meadows, open spaces... A flower gleaming as gold in the dusk of August nights and a splendid plant for honey.
In open areas the goldenrod can grow up to a metre tall. The leaves are elliptic, but other shapes occur.
About the flowers – actually the tiny flowers in the inflorescences are collected in capitula, with a diametre of around 1 ½ centimetres. This inflorescence reminds of a flower because  there are long ray florets at the edges and short disc florets in the centre. These small inflorescences in turn are gathered into larger clusters when growing conditions are favourable. See the lower of Arne’s photos if the explanation seems confusing.
Such a creation of nature is worthy of its name - golden rod.
About the alien and invasive species Canadian goldenrod see LINK