Today calendar autumn begins

Photo: Arne Ader
Translation: Liis
Evening sky
Autumn begins at 17.49
Around autumn equinox darkness falls suddenly after sunset; already in an hour we can see the stars in the sky if the weather is clear. It is the time of equal day-and-night lengths and night is not yet longer than the day today.
The phenological early autumn starts with the decrease of day warmth from the lengthening of nights: grain crops were harvested, the first coloured leaves appeared stealthily in trees, migrant birds that had nested here gathered in flocks and departed on their migration journey...  
With sunny days “Indian summer” or “Old wives’ summer” can last, with intervals, to mid-October.
Late autumn begins with a massive fall of tree leaves, geese leave and the migration of swans goes on. Development of plants halts, they harden off for winter, to begin their period of rest.
Pre-winter starts with the first big snowfall.
A pleasant and colourful autumn to enjoy!




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