Silver washed fritillaries

Photos: Arne Ader and Urmas Tartes
Translation: Liis
Silver-washed fritillary

Silver-washed fritillary    Rohetäpik     Argynnis paphia

They are large butterflies with a rapid and gliding flight, who – once identified- can be recognized from far away. The forewings of the silver-washed fritillaries are triangular and the hind wings large and round. The main colour is orange, patterned with contrasting dark spots. We see them at forested areas, also at forest clearings. Good observation spots are the verges of forest roads or felling lines. This year they have been flying already from the second half of June.
Silver-washed fritillaries mating
Photo: Urmas Tartes
Attention should be directed to the undersides of the fritillaries’ wings – they are greenish-yellow, patterned with silver stripes. The females are slightly larger than the males.
Silver-washed fritillary
A little confusion may arise from the fact that two colour varieties of the female butterflies occur. Either one similar to the males (see above) or with a greenish-grey colour and quite widely spread (Argynnis paphia f. valesina)




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