Spot in hospital

Screenshot: Olga from forum
Translation: Liis
Spot and Eha in the beginning of August.
Mihkel Juhkam found lesser spotted eagle Spot in the forest last Saturday, and late in the evening our “patient” was already in the Nigula Animal Rehabilitation Centre. Under the right wing was a large haematoma. Kaja Kübar believes that the accident may have happened around Wednesday, which means quite a few days without food. Lesser spotted eagles go singly on their migration southwards. Eha left already a month ago. There is no precise information about Koit; our lesser spotted eagles don't carry transmitters.
Kaja said that the situation is far from hopeless; Spot has an appetite, although he has to be fed. Our young eagle doesn’t stand up yet on his own, but since no bones are broken we are hopeful. The weather is warm, and so there is still time left for migration. As soon as there are more news, we will let you know




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