Lesser spotted eagle chick one week old

Web camera image: Jopie, LK forum

In Tuuli and Remo’s nest the offspring of the lesser spotted eagles has become one week old. The second egg remains unhatched in the nest, and so the natural selection has been made already at the egg stage. As mentioned earlier the parents usually raise only one – the stronger – chick.

Tormi, as the LK Forum people call the lesser spotted eagle chick, has grown and developed nicely during the week. As the drought advanced frogs decreased on the menu of the birds and rodents were added. During the last few days Remo has brought moles as prey. The moles have been driven up above ground by the drought to find new areas for living. Usually food is laid up in store on the rim of the nest when a change in weather is coming – good to have something to fetch from the pantry when hunting is poor.




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