VIDEO: Osprey cameras

Video and screencaps: Starling, LK forum
Translation: Liis
 Male osprey Madis, as nest-owner the possessor of real estate, has success among the ladies (no need to start with boring construction work). Last year’s girlfriends are forgotten and also Piret with whom he nested successfully last year. Things seem to work out with the new girlfriend; she has been named Oxana by the forum people. There have been conflicts between the females, and even today the calls of a third osprey was heard from further away.
A very soap-operaish atmosphere!

Kalakotkakaamera 2 (Osprey camera 2)

Osprey Ilmar at nest 2 (Kalakotkas 2) does not have a fiancée yet. The white-tailed eagle pair likely became bored of playing at homemaking and is busy somewhere else. So, less risk of disturbance if a female were to appear on the horizon.

Aivar Veidemounted the osprey nest visitors into one image





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