Small bird winter feeder webcam

Transmission courtesy of Elisa and EENet
Translation: Liis


We start the 8th season of the by now traditional small bird winter feeder webcam, using the customary Mobotix web camera. The connection is mobile for the 4th season already. The stream from the camera goes from Otepää to the Eenet server in Tartu by way of an Elisa MiNT connection. Using the 3,5G technology, it is sufficiently fast to ensure a smooth transmission of the image.
The dinner table of our winged friends is laid out with BALSNACK bird food.  
The camera is located at Otepää, outside the office window of . We can observe the behaviour of wintering birds in an urban environment, and Arne will be sure to send interesting photos for publication in Looduskalender.
As usual we will present the guests at the feeder, and the LK forum is open to all registered bird friends.

EENet multiplies the stream as needed for viewers. The Flash player works in all web browser environments supporting Flash.
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